Retrieving sunset from BOM
I needed to find the sunset time, so I can turn on my path lights for a couple of hours each night. The BOM usually display the sunrise and sunset times when they provide the weather forecast. Having looked at the site I found that it provides a tool, via Geoscience Australia, to find out the sunset and sunrise times each day or for a whole year.
As I needed the sunset time I came up with a command to retrieve it
[bash]LATHEMI=south #Latitude Hemisphere
LONGHEMI=east #Longitude hemisphere
LATDEG=0 #Latitude degrees
LATMIN=0 #Latitude minutes
LATSEC=0 # Latitude seconds
LONGDEG=0 # Longitude degrees
LONGMIN=0 # Longitude minutes
LONGSEC=0 # Longitude seconds
STATE=“NT%20-%20Darwin%20(most%20location)” #Australian state
DST=No #Daylight Savings Time (Yes|No)
TZ=10 #Timezone
UTCOFF=10 #Offset from UTC
ATZ="(EST) #Eastern Standard Time
LT=“00:00:00 PM” #Time making the call
DATE=date +"%d/%m/%Y"
SUNSET=wget -O - -q --post-data="END=END&lathemi=$LATHEMI\ &longhemi=$LONGHEMI&Location=$LOCATION&LatDeg=$LATDEG\ &LatMin=$LATMIN&LatSec=$LATSEC&LongDeg=LONGDEG\ &LongMin=LONGMIN&LongSec=LONGSEC&State=$STATE&DST=$DST\ &TZ=$TZ&UTCOFF=$UTCOFF&ATZ=$ATZ<=$LT&austzone=$AUSTZONE\ &event=$EVENT&TimeZone=$TIMEZONE&Date=$DATE"\ | grep Rise | \ cut -d' ' -f 7
The good news is, you can get all the parameters to slot into the variables from Geoscience Australia site, here.