I needed to find the sunset time, so I can turn on my path lights for a couple of hours each night. The BOM usually display the sunrise and sunset times when they provide the weather forecast. Having looked at the site I found that it provides a tool, via Geoscience Australia, to find out the sunset and sunrise times each day or for a whole year.
As I needed the sunset time I came up with a command to retrieve it [bash]LATHEMI=south #Latitude Hemisphere LONGHEMI=east #Longitude hemisphere LOCATION=SOMEWHERE #Your location LATDEG=0 #Latitude degrees LATMIN=0 #Latitude minutes LATSEC=0 # Latitude seconds LONGDEG=0 # Longitude degrees LONGMIN=0 # Longitude minutes LONGSEC=0 # Longitude seconds STATE=“NT%20-%20Darwin%20(most%20location)” #Australian state DST=No #Daylight Savings Time (Yes|No) TZ=10 #Timezone UTCOFF=10 #Offset from UTC ATZ="(EST) #Eastern Standard Time LT=“00:00:00 PM” #Time making the call AUSTZONE="+10" EVENT=1 TIMEZONE="+10" DATE=date +"%d/%m/%Y"
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At work we use CentOS and RedHat, therefore we work with and produce RPMs. I wanted my MacBook Air to be able to build RPMs and also act as a build server for when I need to build servers at a new location.
I had previously installed Ubuntu and Cornice without too many issues. This post gave me hope that the install would go well.
I firstly created a USB stick to perform the install.
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We have been having some issues with some Dell servers and we were asked to provide a dset output for one of them. Of course the new version 3.2 does not run directly under CentOS 6.2, however as RHEL is supported then it should work. This is the steps I took to get it to work:-
1. wget [ftp://ftp.us.dell.com/FOLDER00481758M/1/dell-dset-](ftp://ftp.us.dell.com/FOLDER00481758M/1/dell-dset- 2. mkdir dell #used to keep the extracted contents 3. This binary does a lot of checking to see that it is to be run on a supported system, unfortunately CentOS is not one of them.
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